2025 Greenview Basketball Tournament

The 2025 GBC 3v3 Basketball Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st. It’s been a few years since out last 3v3 tournament, but it’s back! The tournament will be held in the Sensenig Activity Center at Greenview Bible Camp which is located at 520 Chapel Lane, Denver, PA 17517.

Our goal of this fundraiser is to raise funds for the camp that we can dedicate to upgrading and purchasing new sports equipment. In the past, we have purchased new outdoor hoops, added the scoreboard in the gym, purchased soccer nets, upgraded countless sports balls and equipment, and more.

The day will be divided into two parts. The morning will be randomly matched exhibition games and then the afternoon will be the elimination tournament. The exhibition games will be quick – each team will get 8 games in the morning and however many they survive in the afternoon.

There will also be lunch food, drinks, and snacks available for purchase in the lobby with all proceeds going to benefit Greenview. If you would like to donate items to be sold in the snack bar or volunteer to spend some time running it, get in contact with Jon.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Jon Rohrbaugh (717) 413-2816 jon@greenviewbiblecamp.org

Saturday 3v3 (2)

Event Details:

Date:   Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Location:  Greenview Bible Camp 520 Chapel Ln, Denver, PA 17517

Cost: $20 per player

Gameplay Information


$100 per player (due the day of the event, make checks payable to Greenview Bible Camp)

Minimum of 3 players per team, maximum of 6


8:00 Gym Opens

8:30 Welcome and Instructions

8:45–12 Exhibition games in the morning (games per team)

12–1 Lunch break (extra time to finish up morning games)

1–3 Elimination tournament

Exhibition Games:

– All games will be 12 minutes long.

– If the game is tied at the end of the 12 min. period, the next team to score wins.

– Games will be scored by 1’s and 2’s.

– After each made basket or change of possession, the ball must be taken back behind the 3-point arc before a shot can be attempted. If a team scores a basket without taking the ball back, the basket will be disallowed but the offending team will retain possession.

– After a basket, out- of- bounds, violation, or foul, the offense must “check” the ball with their opponent before play resumes and the ball must be passed to start play. No free throws.

– All held-balls are awarded to the defense first then they alternate.

– Substitutions may be made at any time that play is stopped. Make them quick.

– Teams are awarded one 30 second time out per game.

– Games will be “officiated” by a volunteer for a team not currently playing.

– Staff are the only administrators for the games. They will not call fouls or violations unless necessary. If a Staff member calls an excessive contact intentional foul or a technical foul, the penalty will be one free throw for the offended team, and the ball awarded for a throw-in.

– Staff may remove a player without warning if the player is behaving inappropriately.


Games start at 1:00 pm – Single elimination

Gameplay will be the same except that games are to 15 (win by 2) points and not timed.

Sign up and reserve your spot as soon as you can. We are only accepting 10 teams at this point, first come first serve.