Would you like to be a part of exciting things happening here at Greenview?
We are always grateful for overall support that we receive from our friends of the ministry. It is you who allow us to do. There is a variety of ways to support Greenview! You can pray for us. You can volunteer to help out with camps or projects. Or you can bless us with a financial gift.
Unless noted otherwise, all donations will be added into the General Fund. If you would like to make a contribution to a specific fund, make sure to select which one from the drop down list on the donation form.
General Fund – Our General Fund covers are day to day expenses. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do here without the generous support of people like you.
Support Fund – The Support Fund allows us to pay for our full time staff. We currently have 3 full time and 1 part time staff members year round and may see this number grow in the upcoming years.
Campership Fund – Every year we have families that benefit from our Campership program. This is our way of providing financial assistance to families in need. We have had generous donors over the years but would love to see this assistance continue to grow!
Building Fund – Our Building Fund provides us the ability to finance improvements and additions to our facilities. We currently have a few projects were are working on raising the necessary funds for.
Other Ways to Give:
Over the years, we also have benefited from the donation of items such as equipment, vehicles, appliances, furniture, etc. It may be something that we could directly use at camp or something that we can sell or auction off.
Financial Gifts may also be mailed to:
Greenview Bible Camp
580 Fivepointville Rd.
Denver, PA 17517